
Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Forensics A

 Hi there, today I will be telling you what we have done for the past few weeks in Forensics.

A few weeks ago we were talking about a crime scene project that can be made by using cardboardor any other equipment that you can create a crime scene out of. After that the teacher got us the stuffthat we need for our crime scene project and each team has at least 4 people in their group but someonly has 2 or 5 people in their group. 

My group decided to create a crime scene out of a shoe box. I started to paint the whole inside ofthe box with green, blue and black. I also painted some clouds for it to look a little bit moreinteresting. The 3 people in my group started to talk about the story behind the crime scene thatwe are making and they started to cut some things to stick on the shoe box like bushes and theman that got killed.

Once we finished creating our project out of a shoe box, my group started to create a descriptionabout the crime scene that we made in a google slide for the teacher to understand the project thatwe made a lot more clearer. We also added some blood on it (red paint) so it will be a little bit morespecific.

Here's our project.

Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Poly Drawing

 Hi there, today I will be showing you what I have done in poly drawing 

Poly drawing is a type of art that is made by triangles. You can create one by using google drawing and upload your picture there that you want to put triagles on.

Here's mine.

Thursday, 2 December 2021

Business and Enterprise

 Hi there today I will be telling you about Business enterprise yesterday.

Yesterday many groups were selling different things of what they have made.These Items that they were selling were their own ideas so that they could earn some money on whatthey made. All of us had a few weeks to create our product to sell before market day starts.Each group was separated in different classes because of what they are making and they will bewith teachers that know how to help them with what they are doing. 

What did it involve, what did you do?

The Business Enterprise involved poster on how much they cost and the title of our business. Our business was creating our own posters with quotes underneath them and I was the one that was mostly doing the quotes because I like writing and reading some quotes that interest me. The quotes was about love and life depending on what pictures we printed and what did we draw on the paper.

what were your learning eg job roles, budgeting letter writing and marketing a successful product?

There was Marketing Manager, CEO, Production manager and Finance manager. The budgeting letter was all about your teacher asking them to approve your Business and how much money are you gonna get from the teacher.