
Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Forensics A

 Hi there, today I will be telling you what we have done for the past few weeks in Forensics.

A few weeks ago we were talking about a crime scene project that can be made by using cardboardor any other equipment that you can create a crime scene out of. After that the teacher got us the stuffthat we need for our crime scene project and each team has at least 4 people in their group but someonly has 2 or 5 people in their group. 

My group decided to create a crime scene out of a shoe box. I started to paint the whole inside ofthe box with green, blue and black. I also painted some clouds for it to look a little bit moreinteresting. The 3 people in my group started to talk about the story behind the crime scene thatwe are making and they started to cut some things to stick on the shoe box like bushes and theman that got killed.

Once we finished creating our project out of a shoe box, my group started to create a descriptionabout the crime scene that we made in a google slide for the teacher to understand the project thatwe made a lot more clearer. We also added some blood on it (red paint) so it will be a little bit morespecific.

Here's our project.

Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Poly Drawing

 Hi there, today I will be showing you what I have done in poly drawing 

Poly drawing is a type of art that is made by triangles. You can create one by using google drawing and upload your picture there that you want to put triagles on.

Here's mine.

Thursday, 2 December 2021

Business and Enterprise

 Hi there today I will be telling you about Business enterprise yesterday.

Yesterday many groups were selling different things of what they have made.These Items that they were selling were their own ideas so that they could earn some money on whatthey made. All of us had a few weeks to create our product to sell before market day starts.Each group was separated in different classes because of what they are making and they will bewith teachers that know how to help them with what they are doing. 

What did it involve, what did you do?

The Business Enterprise involved poster on how much they cost and the title of our business. Our business was creating our own posters with quotes underneath them and I was the one that was mostly doing the quotes because I like writing and reading some quotes that interest me. The quotes was about love and life depending on what pictures we printed and what did we draw on the paper.

what were your learning eg job roles, budgeting letter writing and marketing a successful product?

There was Marketing Manager, CEO, Production manager and Finance manager. The budgeting letter was all about your teacher asking them to approve your Business and how much money are you gonna get from the teacher.

Tuesday, 16 November 2021

About Sewing

Forensics A

Hi there, today I would be telling you what we have done this week.

This week we have been checking out footprints from shoes. We all decided to put some wet paint on our shoes and stepped on the paper so that it would be able to stick there. The paper took awhile to dry but we can see the footprints of the shoe clearly. We then start to analyse which shoe did it come from by looking at the 3 papers that have been cut off.

There were 3 shoes on the table and we all had to check which shoe did it come from and we all had about 15 minutes to try and analyse which one is the right one. Right after that the teacher asked us which one do we think is the right one for each footprint, most of us got it right and some of us didn't because the footprints were almost the exact same thing with different details when it's worn.

Thursday, 11 November 2021


 Hi there, today I will be telling you what we have done this week in forensics and also answering some questions.

Maths Art

 Hi there, today I will be telling you what we did today in Maths Art

Today we have created a tretaflexagon and it is like an origami where you can flip the paper in one way or more. We had been given a template of the tretaflexagon which was one of the easiest thing to do than the others. 

For the tretaflexagon to work we needed glue and a piece of tape. The first thing that we needed to do was cut the outside then fold it in half, right after that we would need to put glue on the paper so that they would stick together. We then start to cut a little bit of the paper so that we would be able to turn it into a square so that it would be able to flip, we taped the side and we were done.

Thursday, 4 November 2021

Mental Health

 Hi there, today I will be presenting you what I have researched and what I know about mental health. This slide that I made will show you what I have written about mental health and maybe you can learn a little bit about mental health while reading this slide show, this slide is about how you can deal with it and how can you overcome it. 

I was quite proud of this one because I have written quite a lot about mental health and found a lot of information which makes it way easier for me to type about all of the things that I have discovered about mental health. 

Project for Maths/Chemistry

Aim: What is the aim of this project?

The aim of this project is to know how maths and science combined together once

it comes to calculating and knowing how to measure the length and the area.

Method: What template did you pick and how many bulbs? What rooms

did you give your house?

I chose the level exceeded because I wanted to try something a little bit challenging

and I put 12 bulbs inside of the template which is also another level exceeded one

and I gave my house a kitchen, dining room, garage, 2 bedrooms and a bathroom,

also a pool outside of my house. 

Discussion: What do the terms voltage, current, resistance mean?

Current is basically amps, resistance is the thing that prevents the

circuit from overloading on power. How did you do the calculations?

Math. Do the calculations make sense? Yes.

I was able to calculate my plan for my house by  just adding them up using a ruler

and it was quite difficult to understand at first but I was able to know what I was

doing when I fully understood the length of my house plan. The calculations got a

little bit more tricky after I answered some parts of my house because I was

struggling on knowing the length of each room in my house plan but I managed to do

it the right way after a few minutes.

Conclusion: Did you enjoy this project? Would you do anything

differently if you were to do it again?

I kinda did enjoy this project because it was a little challenging and it was

quite interesting when math got involved into a chemistry project which made it a

little bit better for me. If I were to do it again I would make my house plan a lot

more clearer because my house plan right now is pretty messed up and not really

proper and that’s the only thing that I would change.

Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Humanities paragraph

Lawyer Paragraph

Why was Martha not treated like they have rights?

For me personally Martha wasn't treated right because she wasn't allowed to do pretty much everything because she is righteous. People were making fun of her clothes because it was made by her mother and they think that it's old fashioned and that Martha should get clothes that are not made by her mother. There was a child in the cellar for the past 7 years and Martha didn't wanna tell anyone about it because she doesn't want her parents to get in trouble and she still loves them.

Martha didn't have any friends because people were thinking of her differently and treating her differently which makes her feel that she is not welcome there at all. Scott became her friend because he was willing to help Martha about what was going on but at the same time he was afraid that he would get treated the same way as they treated Martha because he is hanging out with her but that didn't stop him from being friends with Martha.

Martha wasn't allowed to bring friends at her house because her parents don't allow her at all just because she is righteous and that she can't really do anything about it but follow. Scott found out about it and when Martha is with Scott she feels free and that she is happy that she finally has a friend which made her gain trust on Scott quite a lot because of how Scott showed that he is trustworthy and won't tell anything to anyone of what Martha told him.  

She eventually told Scott that there was an abomination in her house that is in the cellar which no one knows about but only her parents and her. Martha and Scott worked together to fix what what was going on about the rights of putting a child in the cellar which is against the law because no one should be put in a cellar because they wouldn't know what the outside world is and that they wouldn't feel any freedom if they can't even do anything they want because they have to keep following what they are told to do or else there would be consequences.

When Martha and Scott hang out together they would get fun because Scott is hanging out with Martha that wears clothes that were made by her mother and both of them would get bullied and would get treated differently like they don't belong to where they are. But they both don't care anymore because they are now only focusing on themselves to what is right because people haven't heard what they have gone through and also don't know who they are so that's why Martha and Scott don't listen to those negative thoughts anymore because they ain't true.

Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Gladiator Games

 Hi there, today I will be showing you what I have found from what I researched. 

I researched about the Gladiator games and how does it work and here is what I have found.

Monday, 1 November 2021


Hi there. Today I will be telling you what we have been doing in gymnastics. 

For the past 4 weeks we have been doing gymnastics in P.E and there were 6 things that we needed to do in gymnastics and that was the bar, beam, parallel bars, mini tramp, floor/mat and the trampoline. For each of them there were some suggestions that you can do, from each person in your team they will try to do the suggestions that were on the paper. You have about 10 minutes for each thing that you need to do.

The ones that were challenging for me were the horizontal bar, parallel bars and the trampoline. It was hard because I couldn't really carry myself up and at the same time I had some bruises that hurt really badly so I can only do some of the suggestions on the paper. I had to be a little bit careful for each one that were challenging for me because I didn't really know what to do since it was very confusing for me, but I did what I understood from what it says on the paper

The one thing that I was quite proud of was the beam because there were quite a lot of simple things that you can do from the beam and my favorite one was jumping over the cone while balancing yourself because for me that was the easiest thing that you can do in that area. 

I also skipped on the beam while balancing and it was the 2nd easiest thing that you could do there. I was also proud of the mini tramp because I was able to do 2 things that I think I can do which were planned out really well. I was just quite scared that I might lose my balance when I jump and land because the blue thing which can avoid some dangerous things that could happen was moving quite a lot but I managed to still do what I can.

Thursday, 28 October 2021

Humanities Essay Planning

 Text - Abomination

Author - Robert Swindell

Breaches of HR Article 1 in text - Breach means to not have followed it or broken it.                                  - Article 1 - all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with the reason and conscience and  should act towards another in a spirit if brotherhood.                                             - means no one is born different from others - can't be born into slavery.                                                          - you have access to basic human rights -food, water and shelter.                                                                     - Martha - born into religious cult, has basic rights but no personal freedom,                                                 - Martha is treated like a slave by her parents.                                                                                                -Abomination/Jim - born and kept in a cage, not allowed outside - has basic human rights. - last rights to education, love, freedom, socialization. - No clothes!                                                                                         - Quotes - no friends because righteous                                                                                                           - Not allowed radio                                                                                                                                           - Quotes - kid in basement Martha to Scott                                                                                                     = Jim doesn't see his mum.                                                                                                                                Main story - makes us feel empathy/depressed sympathy for Martha.                                                          - We forgive Martha for keeping the secret about Jim because she is also suffering.                                         - Good story telling. Build suspense and tension. Feel sorry for Jim, feel angry at her parents. - Shows negative influence of bullying.                                                                                                                             - Martha - Yes - She went to live with her sister, gets new clothes, not treated like a slave or different.          - Abomination: Resolved - gets to socialize, see his mum, clothes, freedom, privacy, love                             - Trauma - not gonna have a normal life.                                                                                                         - The righteous believe the devil reaches young people through the pop music P.11                                         - I know I seem weird to them, but it's not me, inside I'm just like them P.18                                                     - Abomination's - a boy, Scott. A little boy he lives in the cellar in a cage " P.143                                          - 'and she lets her kid lives in a cage... She doesn't know!' P.146

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Gloriavale questions from the story

 1. How did Gloriavale effect David's outlook on life?

It made him a lot more better when he left gloriavale because it didn't feel right for him and he doesn't get tortured anymore or get hit which made his life a lot more better that where he was from before.

2. Do you think this documentary fairly represents life in Gloriavale? Why/Why not.

I don't think so because Gloriavale is very very strict and you can't do much because you have so many rules to follow that aren't even necessary and the torture that they are doing to people there was not healthy at all because they suffer from the bruises and pain. 

Thursday, 21 October 2021

My Holiday

 Hi there today I will be talking about what I did in the Holiday.

For the past 2 weeks of holiday I have been playing video games, chores and went to the park. I was alone at home with my sister and I was basically in charge of almost everything, I didn't really go out much because I had no motivation to do so, every holiday I normally just stay at home and play a lot of video games, listen to a lot of music or watch. I also talked a lot with my other best friend and it was really fun talking to him.

The physical thing that I did in the Holiday was walk around the park with my friend every Friday because we have this thing called bible study and that's why I was able to go with someone at the park as well. We also celebrated my friends birthday last Sunday, we went to the restaurant for her birthday and celebrated it there. Right after that we went to her house just for fun. 

I listen to music a lot every time it's holidays because it makes me feel calm and quite happy. It is one of my hobbies and every time I go out somewhere I would just listen to music for me to not get bored at all. 

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

About the bag

 Hi there, today I will be telling you what I have researched on why we shouldn't use plastic bags anymore because it is bad for the environment and that the fabric bags are a lot more useful than the plastic ones. 

I did this research about bags to show people about why the fabric bag is a more better for the environment and not the plastic ones. This is to make the world a little bit better by not using plastic bags because most of the plastic stuff can get thrown out in the ocean and most animals die from it because they eat it but they don't know that eating it will make them get killed. So once people start to use fabric bags it will make the environment a little bit better 


 Technology has changed the way we communicate and all sorts of other stuff. The way the communication matters right now because it helped people communicate much more easily and had no troubles because things in there are a lot easier to understand.

Social media made people communicate a lot faster and easier because it will get sent to them directly once you send them a text. The way they also call through social media is a lot easier because you just click this button that looks like a phone and you can even video call them. Sending letters is also way easier today because you just send them to a mailbox for it to go to where you want it to be and it can also be sent through a mobile phone.

You can send an email to someone by using your phone which makes people's lives a lot easier because it is a lot more understandable today than what it was before but it can be a little bit more confusing due to the updates and other sorts of tools that you would probably need to use

Monday, 18 October 2021

Definition of technology

 What is technology?

Technology is something that you use to call someone or text someone and it is a type of electronic that is used by electricity for it to work. It can also mean as a skill or techniques and methods. It is also part of knowledge. 

It is used to solve problems or invent useful tools to make a humans live quite easier. It has a connection to the internet so that you can connect to other people as well, they can start by sending a message to that person by using a phone.

Friday, 1 October 2021

Health project about Vaping

 Hi everyone today I will be telling you what we have done in Health this term.

Recently we have been talking about vaping on how it works, why it is harmful and all sorts of vaping things that we talked about. We started to research vaping so that we would be able to answer the questions that were given to us. I took about 2 weeks to finish my research about vaping and once I finished that I moved on with another task which was to be creative about what we researched about vaping. I chose art because I had an Idea on what to put on my paper that I was given to by the teacher.

I started off by writing down what I researched in vaping and once I was done doing that I started to decorate it a little so it would be a little detailed. I then colored some parts so that It wouldn't just look plain because it was just white. 

Here is the poster that I have made about vaping. :)

Thursday, 30 September 2021

Quote hunting

 Hi everyone today I will be showing you what quotes I have found in the book called abomination

Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Reflection in Esol

Hi there, today I will be telling you my reflection in Esol

The best lesson for me was when we did writing because it makes me entertained a lot and at home I do a lot of writing when I'm bored and have different types of pens depending on how I want my writing to be like. I really enjoyed the assessment because we get to write anything we want which was very very fun for me and my topic was "My Bestfriend" because I saw that it was one of the choices in the slide and it was really calming to do and it made me focus a lot on the writing.

I was quite proud of my presentation even though I don't like speaking in front because I am anxious about it. But the part where I was proud of is when I wrote down what I have researched about the Magpies and put down so many things in my slide because there were a lot of things that I found interesting about Magpies and after I finished my research about Magpies I presented it to the class since I was up next and I was proud that I spoke properly in front of the class. 

What I can do better next term is probably understanding the words that I don't know a lot more because I struggle on my work when I don't understand it properly when there are some words that I don't really know much. I hope that next term we'll do a lot of writing on paper because it is really calming for me and fun and keeps me entertained a lot and makes me focus a lot more every time when I write. 

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

DLO Land March

 DLO Land March

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

NZ land march

 NZ Land march

Hi everyone today I will be showing you about what I have received while searching up about the land march. I have answered some questions and have written down what I have found while searching for information so I can answer my questions. 

Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Abomination workbook chapter 14-17

The theme of bullying

Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Sophie Pascoe

 Sophie Pascoe

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Science poster project

 Parts of the wave, the eye and 8 types of energy

Thursday, 12 August 2021

Create task

 Create task from abomination

10 words that I wasn't unsure about from the book. Chapter 1-13.

Monday, 9 August 2021

Hannah Hoch

 Hi there, Today I will be showing you what I have researched about Hannah Hock

Please comment on what should I add or if there is anything wrong.  

Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Human Rights

 Human Rights poster

Hi there, today I will be showing you what I've done these past few weeks about Human Rights. 

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Wananga Olympic work

Hi there, today I will be showing you what me and my team mate have done in the Olympic work. The work that we have done was to create a logo of what we think the logo would look like in the next Olympic and this is what we have done. 

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

The Springbok Tour Protests

The Springbok Tour Protest Questions

1. What is another word for apartheid?
Another word for apartheid is separated.

2. Why did the protestors need helmets?
They wore helmets because the police use these special long batons.

3. Why do you think being called honorary whites upset Maori All Blacks?
Maybe because it was racist and that it's not very necessary to say it to them because it was rude.

4. Why the Hamilton rugby game cancelled?
It was canceled because hundreds of anti-tour protestors occupied the field chanting.

5. Do you think this protest was successful? Why? Why not?
I don't think it was successful because the police smashed them with their batons

6. How do you think the New Zealand protests helped Nelson Mandela?
New Zealand helped Nelson Mandela to get voted and made them think about how they treat others in their country.

Thursday, 8 July 2021

Burger Plan

 Hi everyone today I will be showing you what I have done in  my writing for the past couple of weeks.

Here is the link on why it should stop.

Stop animal testing

Tuesday, 6 July 2021


 Hi there, today I will be talking about what we did for the past 4 weeks in chemistry.

For the past 4 weeks we have been learning about conduction, convection, contraction and expansion. What we did for the expansion one was about the ball and how you heat up the ball and put it in cold water so it won't fit through the hole anymore.

The meaning of contraction is the process of becoming smaller or shorter, what we did for the contraction was about the imploding can. What happened was we heated up the can with water in it for a few minutes and after that we started to fill up the ice cream container with cold water but only half way. After the can started to steam, we flipped the can quickly to the cold water so that it will get crushed up.

Conduction is a heat travelling through a solid making the particles vibrate more and more. For conduction we did an experiment about the pins and how we stick them up the metal using the Vaseline and after we have done putting it on the metal we started to heat up the tip of the metal so that it will travel through the metal and pins will start to fall down on the metal because the Vaseline melted.

Convection is when heat travels through a liquid or gas, expansion is the act of getting
bigger or something added onto something else. For convection we did this
experiment about the crystal, and for this experiment we started to heat up the water
and put in the crystal to the water. After that we were watching the crystal as it rose up
through the water and it started to travel around back from the top.

We also learnt about how heat affects particles, and when particles are heated up they move even faster. Solid will vibrate more, and liquids and gases will move a lot more quickly. We have done a lot of different experiments about heat so that we were able to see what heat does in different kinds of experiments that we are doing.

There was another experiment that we have done and that was all about the tea bags. We started by taking all the powder out from the tea bag so that all we had left was the piece of paper. After we have empty the tea bag out, we cut off the top of the piece of paper bag so that it will be able to stand up and not fall once we light it up. What was supposed to happen was once it got lit up by the fire on the top of the tea bag, it was supposed to fly up because since the tea bag is so light it will be able to fly.

Thursday, 1 July 2021


 Hello everyone. Today I will be telling you what we have done in ICT on what Mr Carter thought us.

Term 1

In term 1 we have been talking about Cybersafety. We talked about Cybersafety because it is quite a big deal around the world, we started to create a kahoot about Cybersafety so that people who plays it will be able to know what is the right answer to the question and for them to think about it as well. We also started to use this tool called word, we were doing a basic document layout using the word and we started to fix and create different things from that tool. The book that we got was what we are about to write and fix from the document that we are on. The other that we have created was the kids eats free and Disney, what we've done to that was to create 5 different designs on the poster that we have chosen, it was really fun because we get to create a lot of different things and it was quite entertaining.

Here are some photos of what we have done in word.

Here is what we have done in term 1.

Term 2

In term 2 we have used these tools that are called publisher, excel and word. For me excel was the easiest thing to use because it was much more understandable than the other tools that we have use before we used excel and it made my work understandable once I have finished it. Publisher was a good tool because we created some cards and design quite a lot of things and publisher was easy to use because it was easy to create a lot of things and explore the items that we are able to use in publisher. The tool word was quite confusing for me to use once I started to do the work there, so I spend quite a lot of time on how to use the items in there and how do I do different formulas there. It took me awhile to finish my work because I want to make sure that what I did is right so that it wouldn't be confusing for the teacher

These are some photos of my work that I have done from Excel.

This photo shows what we have done so far this term. Each week we did quite a lot of different things
and sometimes we do our work again if we haven't finished it yet.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Write that Essay #3

 Write that Essay #3

The Power Sentence 

If you waffle a lot, try starting your sentence with a power of 12 words or less.

Example: Money route of all evil.                                                                                                                                       What is right, isnt always popular.                                                                                                                   Hard work leads to positive results.

'Popularity is not all about getting what you want.'

'Being clever doesn't mean you can get everything right.'

The 'Red, White and Blue' Sentence:

Use this sentence style when you have several ideas to convey about a topic.

    Examples: Successful students are focused, hard working and punctual

                      The Earth's Key resources are clean air, fresh water and natural environments.                                        Sunshine, water and friends make for a perfect weekend adventure.

Children under 14 should not have cellphones

 Hi there and welcome to my blog. Today I will be showing you what I did in coggle.

Children under 14 should not have cellphones. (Disagree)

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Write that Essay Sentences

The 'W' Sentence - Makes the sentence sound thoughtful and knowledgeable.

Remember the rule: Not every 'w' word works as a sentence starter.
                                Remember to put the comma in when the parts 
                                affected by your 'w' word are finished. 

Examples - Who, while, whereas, when where, what, whilst, with 

Whilst the class was eating, I read my book.
Where you like chocolate, other prefer candy.

My own sentence of 'w':

What book you read, you cannot read again because you have to do something else.
Whereas some people doesn't like to listen to music, but I do.
Where homeless people live, is different from other people who has a house. 

Task 1: Select 4 Adverbs from the list below 
            and write 4 Adverb starter sentence.

Suddently, I decided to listen to music while fixing my items.
Excitedly, I hugged my best friend because I love the hugs that I get from my best friend. 
Surprisingly, I finished my work in time once the bell rang.
Often, I forget to read my book. 

Task 2: Select 4 Prepositions from the list  below
            and write 4 Preposition starter sentences. 

Under the table, there was a lot of dirt that needed to be cleaned. 
Between the gaps, I decided to decorate it so that it wouldn't be empty.
In the cupboard, there were a lot of stuffs that need to be organized.  
On the table, I saw a leftover chocolate and I ate it.

Task 3: Put the correction punctuation into these sentences:

Silently, the cat stalked its prey.

In 1975, a high school was finally built in Hornby.

Amongst the papers, i found my homework.

Anxiously, i awaited my test results.

Fortunately, the kai today was something good.

About twenty years ago, a law was passed that changed everything.

Often, the things we say and the things we mean are two different things.

Cautiously, he knocked on the principals door and await a reply.

The 'ing' sentence 

Use the - ing version of the verb e.g to run - running 

Remember the rule - When you finish your - ing phrase, place a comma,
                                        then write the rest of the sentence.

Some - ing words - listening, watching, running, realizing, emerging, grasping, speaking,                                                   analyzing, signaling, exposing, gossiping, acknowledging, 

Examples - Realising the danger, people fled from the cities. 
                      Shaking away the nerves, he walked towards the microphone.   
                      Acknowledging the speaker, he bowed his head in silence.

My own sentences of 'ing'

Running around too much made my stomach hurt.  
Realizing that I was about to be late for school, I rushed to get there in time.
Making things on your own is quite hard 

Task 1: Select -ing verbs from the list below and write -ing starter sentences.
Noticing, a lot of people wondering around the park.
Observing, the amount of paper that I have gotten.
Insisting, my classmate to do whatever he wants in the work.

Task 2: Select 4 'w' words from the list below and write 4 'w' starter sentences.
While I was walking, I saw a lot of dogs in the park.
When it was rainy, many people where playing in the rain.
Whereas, some people doesn't wanna learn guitar or piano but I do.
Where the plant is planted, is gonna stay there forever.

Task 3: Put the correction punctuation into these sentences.

Emerging from the depth, the monster sought its new prey.

When the baking was complete, the ovens were cleaned thoroughly.

Committed to improving their routine, the dancers trained daily.

Overpowered by the wave, the swimmers were swept off their feet.

Analyzing the situation, the commander decided the hill route was best.

While we were watching, the experiment the paper ignited.

Hoping to improve his score, Matthew studied his times tables daily.

With their friends and family watching, the students took to the stage.

Undaunted by the work, the builders pushed on to repair the house.

The 'ed' sentence

Use the ed version of the verb e.g to jog - jogged. This makes for a punchy start to your sentence.

Remember the rule: When you finish your ed phrase, place a comma, then write the rest of the                                          sentence.

Some -ed words - frustrated, surprised, excited, committed, undaunted, determined,                                                         overpowered, concerned, cornered, delighted, enthralled. 

Examples - Determined to win, Tony pushed himself the last metres of the sprint. 
                      Frustrated by the ongoing rain, I stared out the window.

My examples of the 'ed' sentences.

Surprised that I passed in my Maths.
Frustrated by the work, that made me stressed about it. 
Excited to talk to my best friend, I rushed to grab my phone.